EDS 2021

Born To Be Your Pagani Zonda

After Grand Prix cacib 2021 Best Minor puppy

AAPKK Best Minor puppy and BIS 3

He became the European Minor Puppy winner ?

And after 3 amazing days:

He had finished the Hungarian Minor Puppy Grand Winner. ?

AAPKK European Clubshow 2021

Born To Be Your Winner Takes It All „Max”

Res. CAC intermediate class

Born To Be Your Hey Jude (NBT) „Dia”

Junior class 5/14 (She is only 9 months old)

Born To Be Your Pagani Zonda

Very Promising 1

Best Minor puppy

BIS 3rd

BIS Brace

Max and Dia 2nd place

Thank you for the judging Geoff Duffield

VERSENYEKTovábbi versenyeredmények

IDS Maribor

That was an amazing start of this weekend. IDS Maribor day 1. Slovenia ?? Born To Be Your Winner Takes It All „Max” CAC, Best


Salzburg IDS

Today we travelled to Salzburg IDS ?? I was happy to see again few friends from Austria and Germany. Born To Be Your Winner Takes